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GUAXS is a German company which focuses on creating high-quality interior design objects and lighting. The inspiration for their work is derived from the intense engagement with different cultures and the tracing of their shared characteristics from ancient to modern times. In conformity with this operating principle, GUAXS aims for the maintenance of craftsmanship and its local tradition. 

All of these aspects translate into contemporary design. At GUAXS, designers and craftsmen produce valuable objects that are created to last. Hence they only use sustainable materials such as metal, leather, wood, natural stone and primary glass, which all have a long-established craft tradition. 

Each GUAXS object comes to life as an original plaster form that is modelled in our studio in Germany. Afterwards, the further processing is handed over to exclusive family-owned handicraft factories, where the object is produced according to our previous designs. There, it receives the unique style GUAXS objects are renowned for.

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